Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day

Hanging out in the hot tub

We spent the day in Irvine, CA with alot of family. We had a good time. There was basketball, swimmingm BBQ and catch the football for points game.

Here it comes.
Kathy and mom Devin, Seth and London

Cashel, Nancy and Susan

Armed Forces parade

On May 17th Torrance had their annual parade to honor the armed forces.
It was pretty cool. They had a blackhawk helicopter and F-14's do fly over's.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mother's Day

My beautiful flowers My yummy dinner

My wonderful guys fixing dinner

I received a digital frame My wonderful son.
and 2 shirts.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Guess who's driving?

Devin has been looking forward to this day for as long as I can remember. He received his driving permit on April 8th while we were in Missouri. On his second day of driving he got his first taste of driving at night in the rain and on the winding roads of MO. It was a little nerve racking but he did well. He drove a lot of the way from MO back to CA. It was nice having him drive, Keith & I took turns sitting in the back and watching videos and sleeping. What a nice change. Keith & I may forget how to drive since Devin wants to drive everywhere.

Our country boy, on the open road back to CA,

Driving to church.