Sunday, November 11, 2007

6 things

OK, here goes my 6 things that are true and maybe not true. I might as start with my very short stint as a rodeo clown since Marissa brought it up. I hope I can remember. Rodeo clowns are the only clowns I like btw.

1) Well, it happened early on in my marriage. Keith & I used to do undercover work and we were on the trail of a murderer. Bull riders were the targets. Keith went in
as a bull rider and I went in as a rodeo clown. I know I had a job to do but that was so fun and scary all at the same time. I not only diverted the bulls when the riders fell off but I also got to do my rad dance moves for the audience until the next rider was ready. We did this for 2 nights but I can say no more. Top Secret.

2) If you don't know that I'm a Chuck Norris fan then you really don't know me at all. In March 2000, Keith, Devin & I spent the day on the set of "Walker, Texas Ranger". We got to watch all day, got our pictures taken with all the stars, yes, even Chuck and we got to eat lunch with the crew. It was one of our best days.
3) When I was in high school my parents bought me a horse. It was a paint, brownish red and white named Patches. I rode her nearly everyday after school. I was in heaven.

4) The Boulder County fair is held in Longmont, CO every year. Lee Greenwood(country singer) famous for "God Bless The USA" was a performer. On the Saturday of the fair, they had a parade. Lee Greenwood was going down the street in a convertible. When he got to where I we were standing, I ran out and kissed him and yes, I was married to Keith at the time. He was the one who gave me the nudge.

5) I asked Jay Osmond to BYU's prefernce dance with the help of Kevin G. Jay said no of course, saying he was busy doing Osmond stuff but he probably went with someone he actually knew. Oh, well at least I tried.

6) In May of 2004, I gave CPR, which included mouth to mouth to one of the kittens my cat gave birth to. She came out barely breating and way smaller than she should have been. It took a little while of rubbing her to keep her warm, shaking her safely to clear her lungs & nose out. She is now a healthy 3 year old.
Sorry kind of boring. . Anyway, now it is Karen and Clifford V, Susan Moore, Valerie S., Bob and Melissa Brady turns. Have fun!
Can you guess which one is not true?


Marissa said...

Kathy, I LOVE you.

Kim said...

Um...I can't emphasise enough how not boring your facts are. I just watched the Osmonds on Oprah! You are the kindest pet owner I know. If you really were a rodeo clown I will die of that true or not?

Cierra said...

hmmmm...i think the osmond one is false. those are tough though, i cant be sure.

p.s. i loooved reading them! good work!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Those are some amazing facts! I had forgotten about your asking Jay Osmond to the dance. That was so brave!! How did Kevin help? That rodeo clown stint must have been super cool!!! Ha! So cool that you gave a cat mouth to mouth! I bottle fed 5 baby bunnies, but they all died!! You are very caring, creative, and awesome.


The Nannie Family said...

Marissa, you inspire me. I just needed alitlle push. Thanks, Kim, Cierra, & Susan for commenting.

Ok, I am a little disappointed I didn't get more comments especially about my rodeo clown story. Kim, it is false. Sounds awesome though, doesn't it?

Susan, I think I wrote a note to Jay and Kevin came with me. We actually caught him in his car. I was to shy so Kevin actually went up to him. It is a little fuzzy.

Bob said...

I agree with Kim....those are fun and interesting facts...I only knew one which proves that I DO know you....Walker fan!

Thanks for tagging us--I'll have you know I've never answered a tag until now. :-)


Vallente said...

Cool to get a litttle more insight of Aunt Kathy.Alright, I might be hated by the Nannies after this comment but I have to be down with my Asian brothers. Chuck Norris is cool but Bruce Lee would take him anyday.

The Nannie Family said...

No offense taken with the Bruce Lee comment. We really like him also. To each their own.

Bob said...

Not a big Chuck Norris or Walker fan. Sorry Nannies.

But I am a fan of the Conan O'Brien's Walker Texas Ranger level. (I think that's what it's called.)

I'm also a fan of the Chuck Norris fact lists.
1. Superman owns a pair of Chuck Norris pajamas.
2. Giraffes were created when Chuck Norris uppercutted a horse.
3. Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light. Not because Chuck Norris is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris
4. When Chuck Norris gives you the finger, he's telling you how many seconds you have left to live.
5. Chuck Norris was once on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune and was the first to spin. The next 29 minutes of the show consisted of everyone standing around awkwardly, waiting for the wheel to stop.

And a modified version of my personal favorite:
6. Chuck Norris doesn't have hair on his body. Hair doesn't grow on steel.

A special thanks to my dad for introducing me to the dark underworld of Chuck Norris facts.

Bob said...

Three follow-ups:
1) That was Walker Texas Ranger lever, not level.
2) Google "Chuck Norris facts" to enter this dark vortex.
3) This is Bob, Jr.

The Nannie Family said...

Yes, the Chuck Norris facts are great. No Chuck Norris bashing here, please.

Anonymous said...

I want to tell interesting stories someday. You're awesome!