Thursday, September 11, 2008

a new school year

Can you believe summer is over? It went by too darn fast. I can't believe Devin is a junior this year. Where has the time gone? I can still remember him in pre-school.


Kim said...

Oh my gosh...I can't imagine doing this post in 13 years!!! Devin looks way older than a Jr.

Schumanns said...

I know I know!! Where does the time go?...Good luck your Junior year Devin!! Looking good :o)

Cierra said...

i love the comparison pictures...both with backpacks.

pretty soon devin will be in college!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

It is pretty darn amazing how fast time flies by! Devin, you are awesome! Have a great year!


Vallente said...

Devin have fun! High School goes so fast even though it probably feels eternal.:) Good luck.