Sorry, I cropped these and put them on scrapbook pages before I scanned them. In the pictures Devin's t-shirt and socks looked blue but they are a deep purple.
Shake your groove thing! I'm a little bit country & I'm a little bit rock n roll. Honest these are purple. Donny is a cool guy! Showing off his purple socks. dancing to Rock the Boat.
We went to our first Dodgers game since being out here. They played the Mets. There were a lot of runs hit but the METS ended up winning. Our stake was selling $14 tickets for $11 so we decided to go. We did move seats because a big Samoan guy was right in front of us and blocked Keith's view of the pitchers mound or home plate. Glad we went but California traffic makes you think twice about if you really want to leave your house to venture out. Our stake is having roadshows this Saturday and Devin is the lead in ours as Donny Osmond. I will post pictures if they turn out. The theme is Music Mania. Each ward was assigned a decade and we got the 70's. Wish them luck they need it.
We had a nice 4th of July. We went down to Nancy & Dale's , had a BBQ and went swimming. Seth, Kim & kids were there along with Marissa & Summer and Sam made a showing. We had fun, At night we watched the fireworks form the Huntington Beach Pier. It was great.