Friday, June 1, 2007

Star Wars Weekend

Devin and I had a great time doing the Star Wars thing. We played laser tag with Stormtroopers. Saw a lot of Star War things and people. We also bought a few things. Opening ceremony was held on 5-25-07 , 30 years after the original release. For the opening ceremonies we had the band from Cal State playing the Star Wars theme and Stormtroopers from all over the globe. They brought up on stage the stars that came to the celebration. We all sang Happy Birthday and we all got to eat Birthday cake. Imagine cake for about 8,000 people. It was fun spending time together.


Vallente said...

Looked like it was fun. Is this an annual celebration? I'd like to go to one of those.

The Nannie Family said...

I'm not sure when the next one will be.