Friday, October 12, 2007

Island Fire


Cierra said...

what exactly is island fire? i think you should come check out the real "island fire" here in hawaii someday...

The Nannie Family said...

Actually, Cierra they came straight from Samoa. One of the daughter-in-laws of Bishop & Sister Dutton who own the theatre is from Samoa and saw them perform. She asked if they wanted to come to Branson for the summer and create a show.
We did get to see a show that was from the PCC from Hawaii. They came and performed in Branson or are you talking about the volcanoes? Yes, we will see it in Hawaii someday.

Vallente said...

the closest I get to doing a type of polynesian cultural dance is the hula hoop, if that even counts. Looks like a cool show.

Kim said...

I love the last two entries. So fun to see. Are you keeping up with dancing with the stars. i know i am.

The Nannie Family said...

Yup, I love Dancing with the Stars.

Cierra said...

sounds awesome! who needs to come to hawaii when you got your very own island entertainment on the mainland?? :)