Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy 2010

Bringing in 2010. We ended going to a party at The Payne's house. Family from church. We had alot of fun.

On Jan. 1st we went to San Antonio to visit family. We really enjoyed seeing everyone that was there but we did miss Tim and his family and we didn't get to see Clifford.

                                                          Chris, Karen, Valerie and Bob Brady

Some of the kids

Sebastian, Karen, Mayumi and Keith

Chris and Emily's backyard.

Couldn't go through without a picture
Fredicksburg, TX

Pictures of the Riverwalk, The Alamo & downtown San Antonio


Schumanns said...

It was so fun to see you guys! Looks like you had a great weekend!

Vallente said...

We loved seeing you too! Wish we could have hung out more. Glad you got to get out and see so much of the city!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

I'm so glad you went to see the gang! Nice pictures.


Kim said...

Way to live it up :)

Brandon and Amanda Brady said...

What a fun vacation. It is always good to hang out with family!!

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